Chowan County 1721 NC Early Census

This is a listing of the 1721 NC Early census in Chowan County. I have transcribed the names EXACTLY as they appear on the census records. This census transcription is complete and as accurate as the original census takers wrote it down. Any errors or omissions are not on my part.

These are indexes only. I have no further information on them.

© 2005-2011  Diane Siniard. These pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization. Non-commercial organizations desiring to use this material must obtain the consent of the transcriber prior to use. You may however use the information in your own research.

Matthew Adams
John Adderly
Anthony Alexander Sr
John Ally
John Alston
David Ambrose
Robert Anderson
William Archdeacon
Thomas Arrington
John Arthur
Thomas Ashley
David Atkins
John Aymes
William Badham
John Baker
William Baker Jr
William Baker Sr
Thomas Ball
John Ballard
William Banbury
Charles Barber
John Bardin
Henry Barefield
John Barefield
Richard Barefield Sr
James Bate
Jonathan Bateman
Thomas Bateman
Francis Beasley
James son of Francis Beasley
James son of James Beasley
Mary Beasley
Widow Beasman
William Bennett
Francis Benton
Richard Berryman
Thomas Betterley
John Beverly
Edward Bird
John Bird
Thomas Birkhead
Thomas Blackman
Aaron Blanchard
Ephraim Blanchford
Keziah Blanchford
John Blount Esq.
Abraham Blulet
Benjamin Blunt
John Blunt Esq.
Henry Bonner
Thomas Bonner
William Bonner
James Boone
Joseph Boone
Thomas A Boone
William Boone
John Boush
William Boush
Henry Bradley
Henry Bradley Jr
Francis Branch
Margaret Branch
Mary Brasswell
Robert Brasswell
Capt. Bray
William Bridger Jr
William Bridges
Beal Brown
Francis Brown
John Brown Jr
Philip Brown
Richard Brown
John Browney Jr
John Browney Sr
Edward Bryan
John Bryan
John son of Edward Bryan
Lewis Bryan
Matthew Bryan
James Bryant
James Bryant Sr
John Bryant
William Burt
Richard Burtenshall
William Bush
Thomas Byrd
John Cake
Alexander Campbell
Richard Canady
William Canady
William Cane
Joseph Carter
Owen Carvey
David Carwley
Roger Case
Matthew Casewell
Gabriel Cassoon
James Castellow
William Charlton Esq.
John Cherryholme
Joseph Cheshire
Nicholas Chrisp
Jane Church
Jonathan Citterlin
Samuel Clark
John Clay
Jonathan Clift
George Cockrell
Edward Cockrell
William Cockrell
John Colson
William Copeland
Gabriel Cosand
John Cotten
William Coward
William Cranford
Owen Cravey
David Crawley
John Crosby
John Crummy
Nathaniel Culliver
William Curlee
James Curry
William Curtis
Owen Daniel
Joseph Darden
Arthur Davis
Edward Davis
Francis Davis
John Davis
Thomas Davis
William Daws
James Denton
John Devenport
John Dew
John Dickinson
WIlliam Downing
Aaron Drake
William Duckenfield
Arthur Duggle
Joseph Durden
John Early
Widow Early
Edward Eaylor
John Edwards
John Edwards Jr
P Egerton
Patrick Egerton
Francis Ellis
John Evans
Robin Evans
Robert Evans
Thomas Evans
Nathaniel Everet
James Fairchild
William Fallow
Mary Farguson
James Farler
John Faulconer
Mary Ferguson
Robert Fewox
John Fisher
Moses Foxworth
William Freeman
Richard Fryer
William Fryley
Robert Fullerton
Thomas Futrell
William Gainey
John Gard
Martin Gardener
William Gardener
John Gardner
Daniel Garret
Thomas Garret Sr
Widow Gavin
Thomas Geaney
William Geaney
Edward Gibson
Hubbart Gibson Jr
Joseph Gilbert
William Ginn
Zachery Girkins
Richard Glin
John Goodwin
Alexander Gorham
John Green
William Green
Peter Grey
James Griffeth
William Griffin
James Griffith
Richard Grils
John Hadderly
John Hales
Nathaniel Halley
Mary Halsey
William Halsey
John Hamilton
John Hardey ~ Deceased
Thomas Hardey
William Hardey
John Hardey ~ Heirs
John Harlow
Cornelius Harnet
William Harris
Daniel Harrison
John Harrison
Thomas Harrison
John Hassell
William Haughton
James Hawkins
Thomas HAwkins
David Henderson
J Henrys
John Herring
Samuel Herring
David Hicks
Abraham Hill
Isaac Hill
John Hill
Moses Hill
William Hill
Thomas Hillyard
John Hint
John Hinton
William Hinton
Thomas Hobbs
Lawrence Hobby
Francis Hobson
John Holbrokk
John Holley
John Holmes
Godfrey Hooker
James Hooper
Arnold Hopkins
Samuel Hopkins
Richard Horne
Thomas Horne
Thomas Hoskins
Edward Howard
Stephen Howard
John Howcot
William Howe
William Howet
Joseph Hudson
Edward Hughes
James Hutchinson
Simon Jeffers
Simon Jefferys
Thomas Jenkins
John Jinnet Jr
John Jernagen
Abel Johnson
Col. Jones
Charles Jones
David Jones
Elizabeth Jones
Henry Jones
John Jones Jr
John Jones Sr
Joseph Jones
Thomas Jones
William Jones
John Jordain
John Jordain Jr
Katherine Jordain ~ Deceased
Katherine Jordain ~ Heirs
John Jornagen
Treadle Keafe
James Keats
John Keele
Thomas Keele
James Keets
John Kelly
Richard Killingsworth
John King 
Michael King
John Lane Joseph Lane
Joseph Lane Sr
Thomas Lane
Robert Lang
Robert Lanier
William Lattermore Esq
Orphans of Thomas Lee
Thomas Lee ~ Heirs
John Lennard
Anthony Lewis Jr
Anthony Lewis
Isaac Lewis
Jacob Lewis
John Lewis
Henry Liles
Elizabeth Long
Thomas Long
John Low
C Luten
Thomas Luten
William MacGuire
Lawrence Mague
John Mainer
Joseph Mainer
Foster Mason
Ralph Mason
Thomas Mathews
Col. William Maule
Dennis McClenden
Owen McDonald
Lawrence McGee
William McGuire
Thomas McLanden
Francis McLenden
Luke Meazel
William Meazell
Luke Meazell Esq
Thomas Medcalf
Elizabeth Melton
Ferriday Melton
John Melton
William Metcalf
Thomas Mewborne
Henry Middleton
John Mitchell
Carter Moore
Ed Moore
William Moore
Carter More
Edward More
William More
William Morris
Col. Morsley
Robert Moss
John Moulton Jr
Elizabeth Moy
John Nairn
John A Nelson
Henry Norman
James Nowill
John Odem
Aaron Oliver
Edward Orrendal
Edward Outlaw
George Pace
John Pace
James Page
John Page
Edward Paget
Samuel Paget
James Parker
Peter Parker
William Patchet
Widow Paterson
Samuel Peacock
Capt. James Peak
John Perry
Paul Phellips
Cuthbert Phelps
Paul Phillips
Richard Pickrell
Thomas Pierce
John Plowman
Col. Pollock
George Powell
John Powell
Nicholas Prew
Francis Pridgeon
John Rasberry
Martin Frederick Razor
William Reed
William Reeves
John Rice
Charles RIckets
Sarah Ricks
William Ricks
James Roberts
John Robertson
Emanuel Rogers
John Rogers
Thoas Rogers
THomas Roper
Francis Roundtree
Thomas Roundtree
Matthew Rushin
Eleanor Sadler
Matthew Seller
John Sessions
Nicholas Sessions
William Sharpe
Robert Sherrod
Alexander Sherwood
Henry SImms
Joseph Sims
Robert Sims
Samuel Sizemore
Joseph Skettellthorpe
George Skipper
Robert Skipper
Francis Smith
James Smith
John Smith
Robert Smith
Samuel Smith
William Smith
Edmond Smithwick
Samuel Smithwick
Roger Snell
Charles Sowwell
Richard Sowwell
G Speight
Thomas Spiers
Henry Spillar
Abraham Spivey
Benjamin Spivey
Jacob Spivey
Thomas Spivey
Thomas Spivey Jr
Gldfrey Sprewell
Joseph Sprewell
Samuel Sprewell
Charles Stacy
Thomas Stacy
Edward Standen
Jonathan Stanley
John Stanshall
William Stealey
Caleb Stevens
Charles Stevens
John Stevens
Thomas Struges
Thomas Sutten
John Swain
Samuel Swain Jr
Richard Swinson
William Tarkington
Edward Taylor
John Thackey
Lazarus Thomas
Joseph Thompson
William Tomson
Joseph Trowell
Timothy Truelove
John Turberfield
William Tuberfield
Joshua Turner
Josaphine Turner
Josiah Turner
George Turnnidge
William Udald
Capt. Jeremiah Vail
Christopher Van Luben
Thomas Vinson
William Vinson
John Volloway
John Walker
Joshua Wall
Philip Walston
Wiolliam Walston
Robert Warburton
Enoch Ward
John Ward Jr
Philip Ward
Jane Warr
John Warren
Richard Washington
Henry West
Martha West
Peter West
William Carpenter West
Samuel Whaetley
Henry Wheeler
George White
John White Sr
Luke White
William White
William Whitehead
William WHitfield
Thomas Whitman
John Wiggons
Charles Wilkins
James WIlkinson
Arthur Williams
James Williams
John Williams 
John Williams Jr
Mary WIlliams
Samuel Williams
Theophilus Williams
William Williamson
William Williford
Edward WIngate
John Wirrell
James Wood
John Woodey
Samuel Woodward
John Worley
Thomas Yates
WIlliam Yates
Isaac Zahander

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